Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why am I the one that got hurt?

Don't you hate when a couple of people are goofing off and someone not involved gets hurt?

Well the other night I was hanging out with a few kids on my floor. We were throwing one of those cheap kickballs around cuz we were bored and putting off homework. Well when another kid, Bryan, walked by the room we had to take a shot at him. We threw the ball and he caught it and came in to join the fun. In the end he decided I was in the way of the kid he wanted to hit with it so he decided I should just jump on the kid. Well, he gave me a little shove but I was completely unprepared and went flying. The kid i was supposed to land on was also unprepared and threw his arms up to stop me. Next thing I know I'm face down on the floor. No big deal, it was all in good fun and I started it all anyways. So they helped me up and we kept tossing the ball around. I soon realized my arm hurt and looked down to see a huge rug burn. Needless to say, it sucked. Everyone else noticed too and it led to this huge conversation about how we all hate it when you're goofing off with one person and in the end, someone not involved gets hurt.

Now, half of the stories were hockey stories so I'm not sure that you can truly say the injured person wasn't involved, but thats just hockey.

At least its a pretty cool looking rug burn, it looks like someone cut me, so eventually the story will probably go something like this, "I was cornered in an alley by seven, no wait nine huge guys..." Well, you get the picture.


HerMajesty00 said...

Only a guy would say "its a pretty good looking rug burn"

Her Harlequin said...

if the scab ends up looking like Jesus or Mary, you can sell it on eBay