Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Eucharistic Congress

So I don't know if anyone other than mom and dad actually ever look at this, but there is going to be a Eucharistic Congress this weekend in the Northend... I think, I don't actually know where per-se or when the exact time is, or what that all even means. I simply know my friends will tell me where to be and when and I'll go from there. =p If any of the fun Catholic people (who may or may not ever look at this) are going to be there, feel free to let me know and I'll attempt to track you down and say hi.

Also, I will be doing a reading/the narrator (or so I've been promised) for our Palm Sunday mass at the Fenway Cente,. (though i'm sure you all have your exciting own masses to go to) so wish me luck. (If any readers other than mom and dad actually exist) (I also promise to start writing on this more so it may become worthwile)


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